The Priest Lake Food Bank is located at 26506 Highway 57 at approximately milepost 26. It is
open to patrons on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from noon until 3 pm. Surplus and
discounted food products are picked up on the preceding Mondays at USDA’s main northern
Idaho distribution center in Coeur d’ Alene and at Second Harvest in Spokane. The timing of pick-up immediately prior to the distribution days helps to ensure that fresh products are available for
qualified Priest Lake residents.
Some food products are obtained periodically at retail grocery stores when the volunteer staff learns about special sales. Although the food bank has no payroll or rent costs it still incurs considerable expenses. These expenses include items such as utilities, truck, and trailer operating expenses, truck maintenance, and equipment and food products purchased for distribution. To pay for these costs the food bank relies on monetary donations from individuals and benevolent organizations such as the Kaniksu Lions Club at Priest Lake and the Salvation Army. In addition, fundraising events are held periodically and grants are written to pay for some expenses. Our grantors have helped with equipment acquisition and repairs, along with building improvements.
Many local residents and organizations go out of their way to donate food to offset food costs.
Many cabin owners who leave Priest Lake in the fall donate their surplus food items. Only food in their original sealed packages which are still within noted expiration dates can be accepted.
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